Skyton Development Group is a real estate development company which aims to deliver quality affordable living, workspace and community facilities for undeserved communities.

Used shipping containers are in abundance, easy to acquire, strong, stack-able, and are highly adaptable to small urban lots – lots that often become the anchor to community blight and code enforcement violations. 

To larger real estate developers these lots are often not seen as financial generators. We can design, build and deploy affordable housing as well as entrepreneurial spaces in half the time and for half the cost of traditional construction, while raising the value of these spaces. Utilizing modular techniques allows for better quality control, efficiency, and a smaller carbon footprint. 

Our shipping container work provides a great platform to hire local trades. We’re helping under-represented communities build the change they want to see. In fact we prioritize hiring minority-owned subcontractors to help build our developments.

We want to see quality, affordable rental container housing throughout the United States, as well as quality, affordable single-family container housing in lower-income neighborhoods in which under-represented families can build equity and continue to diversify the city without being displaced; where seniors can safely age in place. I also want to see more youth have access to affordable commercial container spaces so they can become future entrepreneurs.
